
的指导方针 & 信息

的 following information and guidelines have been established in response to COVID-19.


我们学生的健康和安全, 工作人员, faculty as well as their families are of the utmost importance to 基督教社会联盟DH. 根据联邦法律, 州和地方指导, the university has taken steps to reduce the number of people on campus and as such, vendors and contractors delivering goods and performing work on campus shall adhere to the following 供应商指引 & COVID-19大流行期间的承包商[PDF].




在购买新设备之前, 员工, 与他们的主管协商, shall determine if existing property may be borrowed from their office to help them perform their job from home.

If property does not exist in an employee's office that can be borrowed, 员工应填写 校园归还授权书[PDF] and forward it to their supervisor, who will approve and submit it on their behalf. An email submission to a supervisor will serve as the employee's signature of the form. 

Instructions for Campus Return Authorization form: To fill out, 请下载表格并以adobeacrobatreader打开. Once filled out, rename and save the form, adding last name before submitting.

在表单被处理之后, an employee will receive an email with a date for when they can return to campus to collect your items. 的 employee may not return to campus until they are provided with this return date via email.

Equipment approved for the property loaner program includes:

  • 网络摄像头
  • 一般办公用品
  • 鼠标
  • 防滑垫
  • 键盘
  • 脚凳
  • 键盘手腕垫
  • 椅子
  • 监控(s)

下列物品不得搬离校园:书桌, 文件柜, 打印机, 台式电脑, 椅子以外的任何种类的家具.

Requests for exceptions must be submitted to a supervisor and receive VP/designee sign off. 

Any purchases of additional office equipment to perform work remotely must follow the below instructions for 购买限制 and 送货上门的服务. 


  1. 目前没有家具被授权.
  2. IT硬件和软件(包括计算机), 扫描仪, 打印机, MiFi, 网络摄像头, 和耳机)不允许送货上门.

In the event that any hardware and/or software is required for home use, the employee must first visit the IT 科技代替品 Program at to verify if requested items are readily available through IT. 如果该项目可以通过IT获得, the employee will work directly with IT to obtain the requested item. If the requested item is not available through the IT 科技代替品 Program, consideration may be granted for a one-time purchase exception for hardware, provided that justification and Dean/AVP approval is submitted to 采购 and 合同, 玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯, 副主任,

If an exception is received, employee shall ensure the following:

  • All items are delivered to the campus Receiving Warehouse, 1000 E. 维多利亚街, Carson, CA, 90747, Attn: Receiving Warehouse
  • 如果物品超过500美元(包括税费和运费), 项目必须由资产管理部门进行资产标记. Once the item arrives at the campus Receiving Warehouse the item will automatically be flagged for tagging.
  • 的 item will be delivered to the IT 科技代替品 Department.
  • 员工必须填写 校园归还授权书[PDF] 通过IT技术借阅计划领取物品. 如果员工不能到现场, the employee and the supervisor will coordinate to allow another individual to pick up the equipment on employee’s behalf, 或者要求寄到员工家里. Please note that justification will be required to receive home delivery.



购买金额低于500美元(含税), 以及运输费用), 应授权送货上门如下:

  1. Requester shall send detailed product information as well as a brief justification for home delivery to their appropriate administrator for review and approval.
  2. 申请方应提交以下批准:
    • P-card: Requester may proceed with purchase once the approval has been obtained from the appropriate administrator. When purchasing IT equipment, requester must ensure approval from IT by emailing 批准必须与p卡对账一起提交.
    • 征用: If requester does not have a P-card, a requisition via PeopleSoft must be submitted. Requester shall upload quote and home delivery approval/justification email in the attachment option in PeopleSoft. Buyer will place the order for home delivery and send a copy of order confirmation to requester.
    • 直接支付:如使用经批准的直接付款类别, requester must submit invoice and home delivery approval/justification with the 直接支付 Form and submit to AP for payment
  3. Campuses are required to track costs associated with COVID-19 for reporting purposes. Requests must use COV19 program/class code in the chartfield for all requisitions, P-card, 及直接付款要求.

的 P-card政策 必须遵守.

请与玛丽亚·埃尔南德斯联系 获取更多信息、澄清或请求.

牧师. 8/11/20


During these unique times it is critical that we maintain continuity while we work from home. 基督教社会联盟DH in partnership with Staples has implemented a Work From 首页 (WFH) contingency program that will allow users to get home deliveries at 基督教社会联盟 pricing using the university issued P-card. 没有最低订购量限制. 


To participate in the WFH program, please click on the registration link below. 

  • Please provide all pertinent information required to participate. You will receive new log in credentials different from one you use on campus. 
  • Please log in, create a new password and confirm you address is correct.  

Once we get thru the pandemic – the WFH contingency program will be deactivated and we will return to business as usual. 

如果您有任何问题或顾虑,请告诉我们. 我们是来帮忙的. 


Once the account is created, you may only enter one address. To request delivery to multiple locations 采购 must email a request to Staples to enter multiple addresses. To request multiple addresses please follow the following process:

  1. Please provide the user ID for the user that will have multiple addresses
  2. 把所有新地址发给塞布丽娜·罗德里格斯,地址是
  3. 采购 will send request to Staples to get multiple addresses entered

It will take approximately 24-48 hours for the addresses to appear in the drop down of the specific user.